Sunday, December 27, 2009

How To Enlarge My Nipples

"Olmedo Classic"


GARCÍA LORENZO, Luciano, The staging of 'The Gentleman from Olmedo " , City of Olmedo, 2007, Collection "Classic Olmedo."
-In "La Barraca" Lorca "La Barraca routes"
- El Caballero de Olmedo of Lope de Vega in Spain
- El Caballero de Olmedo of Monteser
- El Caballero de Olmedo
outside Spain - El Caballero de Olmedo film and television
- El Caballero de Olmedo . Other versions

Pedraza Jiménez, Felipe B., Lope de Vega life and literature, Olmedo City Council and University of Valladolid, 2008, Collection "Classic Olmedo" No 1.

VEGA, Germain (ed.), De 'La Celestina' to 'Life Is a Dream' Five lectures on universal works of classical English theater , City of Olmedo and University of Valladolid, 2009. Collection Classic Olmedo "No 2.
. Contents
- "La Celestina , mother refused the English drama" Emilio de Miguel Martínez
- "The Magic of Altarpiece "Javier Huerta Calvo
-" La dama boba and comedy comic "Marco Presotto
-" The Trickster of Seville : a technique of deception "Laura Dolfi
-" Flight of the eagle (A parenthetical in Life is a Dream ) "Rosa Navarro Durán

VEGA, Germain (ed.), Recovery theatrical heritage of the Golden Age editing projects leading playwrights, City of Olmedo and University of Valladolid, 2009. Collection Classic Olmedo "No 3.
- "Lope de Vega" Guillermo Serés
- "Tirso de Molina" Blanca Oteiza
- "Look Ames Antonio Agustín de la Granja
-" Luis Vélez de Guevara "George Peale
-" Pedro Calderón de la Barca "Ignacio Arellano
- Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla" Rafael Gonzalez Cañal
- "Agustín Moreto" María Luisa Lobato