Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Recipes Caka Bile Food


The Orchid Reserve covers an area of \u200b\u200b650 hectares and is located between 1,960 m and the 2,900 meters, is a Montane Rain Forest, the vegetation is abundant and home to a large number of epiphytic plants including bromeliads, mosses, ferns and protects more than 270 species of orchids, of which nine are endemic.

This ambundante vegetation is home to a large number of birds , mammals, species that are endangered.

To reach this target you have to take Calacalí Independence, the reserve is located at Km 43 (2213m N 00 ° 01.577 'W 78 ° 37.916') to an hour from the city of Quito and 20 minutes before Nanegalito population.

low Trails Reserve offer short walks to visit waterfalls and pools of water, which in ancient times were used for ritual baths of Yumbo, natives of the area.

high trails can last 3 hours, depending on the condition physical for hikers. in the middle of the reserve is a refuge Bear Cabin equipped with basic cooking implements, a bedroom and a rustic camping area.

Yumbo The trail is a millennial way, because it was the route used by the Yumbo, to market their products coast-mountain. Easy walk along a narrow path that has some sections is declining. Allows to see the valleys of the forest covering the slopes of the Pichincha volcano. has a length of 1300 meters. The tour ends approximately 1 hour, reaching the crest of Pahuma, the highest point in the Reserve, located at 2610 meters.

All tours are easy to see orchids and other plants. Birds are abundant, especially when the trail turns away from the road.

More pictures of the reserve in our gallery.


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