Ingapirca means Inca Wall is a collection of ruins dating to Inca times and are in a proper state of preservation. The archaeological site is located in the Canar province in southern Ecuador. It is easily accessible from the Pan-American, you just have to get to El Tambo (one and half hours north of Cuenca), and from there follow the signs for about 15 minutes.
A small museum is a model of the complex and found objects in it, even funerary remains. According to the evidence, all Ingaprica the buildings had walls of cut stone, completed in its upper part with mud, its roof with a sharp drop (50 - 55 degrees), had a wooden frame covered with straw moor.
The ruins of the residential precincts and the most important buildings had to be plastered, while the wineries that did not require more aesthetic could have the stone. The temple Ingapirca elliptical because of its high religious hierarchy, it was the temple of the sun, shows the use of padded blocks to imperial Cuzco style. The walls of all the palaces were decorated with trapezoidal doors.
There is more information on Ingapirca ruins in this link.
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