Sunday, October 24, 2010

Emoticon Thumbling Weed

site Rumipamba Archaeological Park Botanical Garden Quito

Park lies hidden in the middle of the city on the slopes of the Pichincha volcano . It is located on West Avenue (Mariscal Sucre) and Ave Maria of Jesus, his hours are Wednesday through Sunday and admission is free but space is recommended economic cooperation.

The old farmhouse that belonged to Maria Augusta Urrutia, was abandoned in 1960 and became a warehouse, mechanical and even a den of thieves. Today was restored by the FONSAL and soon will house archaeological remains from various parts of the province.

Archaeological excavations have unearthed valuable old prints of local populations such as

• Stone walls including the walls or retaining walls a series of tiers or terraces of probable and possible ceremonial gutters.
• Floor-called housing-clay huts, post molds, storage pits, hearths and artificial troughs or depressions having rectangular ceremonial character.
• Burials of primary (bodies that maintain the anatomical position) and the secondary type (those that have been burried and have lost that position). The shape of the tombs is, basically, in a burial pit, sometimes with a side chamber.
Several tools of stone.

From this site should have been had a privileged visa loophole that existed in the north of Quito to the thirteenth century.

Park More photos on our Facebook profile .


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