The flight from Quito to the Galapagos is a unique opportunity to observe the peaks of the Ecuadorian Andes. The plane arrives at Baltra Island, a former American military base, the airlines provide transportation to the channel Itabaca, which is crossed by ferry (USD $ 0.50) and there you have to take bus (USD $ 1.8) to Puerto Ayora ( 15m S 00 ° 44,605 \u200b\u200b'W 90 ° 18,739').
On our first day we visited The Twins (620m S 00 ° 37,541 'W 90 ° 23,087') subsidence craters that are older and then cross the lava tunnel (271m S 00 ° 40,064 'W 90 ° 25,493') . We also visited Rancho
Firsts (USD $ 3) a place where you can see the turtles in their natural state. Trails Ranch are the huge turtle resting, feeding and interacting with small birds.
Santa Cruz offers a variety of destinations, as we see on the website of the Municipality:
More photos of the Galapagos on our profile Facebook.
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