Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Outlook You Are Sending Spam

The terrible habit of reading

Photo: Bunko Papalote
Sometimes I think that in this country read is not quite right seen or at least that is an alternative medicine whose benefits have not been proven and It is not prescribed, maybe, just recommended by some.

And is that not prescribe reading teachers, and parents do not give permission for their children to have occasional overdose of books and the government and companies do not promote the books are close at hand who wants everyone to not self.

What happens is that parents and teachers worry when children 8 years still do not read well, and respecting corridito and commas, or when children are 5 or 6 years are distressed when they begin to experience the process of literacy learning. Surprisingly these same children rarely see their parents and teachers read and rarely one of them sits down to read one or more stories.

I have the pleasure to participate in organizing the Book Fair in the school of my children and when the time comes to sit in my 'cushy positions' of books to sell me happy to see the enthusiasm of children, how to swirl about books and browse, open eyes full of wonder, printed words taken away from them laughing, images los absorben... entonces buscan en sus bolsillos el dinero que les dieron sus papás para libros, tal vez 50 ó 100 pesos algunos más afortunados:"¿Cuánto cuesta este, y este, y este pequeñito?, ¿para que me alcanza con $25?", suele no alcanzarles para todo lo que quieren, se angustian por unos momentos "¿Va a venir mañana, puedo apartarlo?, le voy a pedir más dinero a mi mamá". Algunos lo logran, algunos logran al menos la mitad y otros no tienen tanta suerte. Siempre pienso que ¿por qué meditamos tanto darle $100 ó $200 ó hasta más de eso a nuestros hijos para libros pero no nos preocupa mucho gastar más de $1000 en un videojuego ó $200 en una ida  al cine ó dinero y dinero en pizzas, juguetes, dulces, hamburguesas, helados...?

La respuesta parece no ser tan compleja: la lectura no está en nuestra lista de prioridades. Tal vez porque nos  han enseñado que se lee para ser cultos, para ser líderes y para tener temas de conversación y nadie nos ha dicho que leer te permite viajar sin boleto, que leer es la mejor terapia individual o de grupo si se hace de forma acompañada, que leer es un permiso para soñar despiertos, que leer puede ser un deleite para los sentidos, que leer no es algo que se haga para ser famoso, se lee para disfrutar, para imaginar, para vivir mil vidas sentado en un sillón o recostado en una cama.

En la misma Feria del Libro de las que les cuento tuvimos el gran honor de tener con nosotros al escritor Francisco Hinojosa quien se tomo el tiempo de leerles a los niños de primaria dos cuentos y de platicarles cómo es que se hizo escritor y cómo es que se le ocurren sus locos, divertidos y maravillosos relatos. Después, se enfrentó a 150 adolescentes de secundaria sentados en el patio justo después de la hora del recreo: algunos somnolientos, otros inquietos y por supuesto el grupo de los desafiantes que no se callaban y no permitían escuchar al autor hasta que éste dijo en el micrófono: "El libro que les voy a leer hoy se llama 'Pinches chamacos'" - silencio absoluto, y después, ni un parpadeo, ni un murmullo until the story ended. There are books for all tastes, all ages, for all needs, for all personalities, and there are our writers wanting to be read, full of passion who want to pass.

In a time of crisis of values \u200b\u200bin an era in which our cities and societies grow anarchically, when it appears that sustainability is far, far away, at the time of the TV and the Internet: books have priests and cures waiting to be used. Francisco Hinojosa And say: "fucking little kids, please call to read."

... And I'm not without leaving the site of a major project to promote reading that living in Xalapa or Morelia and then enjoy the rest can help: Bunko Papalote

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Getting Rid Of Vinyl Plastic Odor



Since April, we started auditions for those wishing to join the cast 2011 season (only 4 quotas: 2 men / 2 women) This year will develop mainly extension to rural communities, where many times the word culture is unknown ... And we have our own transport ... Our long-awaited latest addition ... a van for 28 passengers ... Waiting to roam anywhere we want go ... Of course we invite you to be involved in these and many other projects ... Those interested can inquire at the email: lagrietateatroitinerante@gmail.com and visit our site: www.ciadeteatrolagrieta.blogspot.com and www.resiklin.blogspot.co

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Images Ofraw Diamonds

Economy unsustainable, untenable and insulting

Photo: Andres Monroy Hernandez

In Mexico we have not the fastest runner in the world, do we have the cleanest city, nor the largest number of users of alternative energy but we can price of having the lowest rates caras del mundo tanto de telefonía fija como móvil y también al hombre más rico del mundo... ambos récords casual y estrechamente relacionados.

La semana pasada Forbes presentó de nuevo su lista de los poderosos y millonarios seres humanos que hacen girar a este planeta en torno a los billetes, monedas y acciones en vez de al sol y de nuevo la lista la encabeza el mexicano Carlos Slim que además este año le lleva más ventaja que en años anteriores al segundo lugar en riqueza (Bill Gates).¡Sí señores! Don Carlos Slim tienen nada menos y nada más que 74 mil millones de dólares bajo el brazo lo que equivale, como dice mi hija, a un 74 más nueve ceros.

Yo no digo que esté mal ser un empresario exitoso, inteligente y visionario y como consecuencia de esto lograr amasar una gran fortuna; lo que me parece insultante es que esto suceda en un país con cerca de 80 millones de pobres, con un salario mínimo de menos de 5 dólares al día y con graves problemas de educación básica, salud pública y seguridad.

Lo que me parece insostenible es que su fortuna crezca gracias a un significant percentage of the income of the millions of Mexicans who pay fees for unfair and ridiculous to communicate by phone or have Internet service at home. His fortune grow by selling bad service should not forget that in the list of companies sued in the PROFECO there also is a winner year after year.

And what seems to me unsustainable is that none of their business to appear in the list of best companies to work ... Why is that? Perhaps because they tend to fire and rehire employees not to make old and get all those "evil" benefits employees have long-lived and fieles a una empresa, o a lo mejor es porque a las chicas que trabajan en los mostradores de sus panaderías las obligan (sin discusión alguna) a donar un día entero de su salario al Teletón para que la empresa pueda deducir impuestos por ser tan altruista o puede ser que no es un maravilloso lugar para trabajar porque las meseras ganan apenas el salario mínimo pues no es necesario pagarles más ¿o para qué existen las propinas?. Los malos trabajos generan pobreza e insatisfacción que como consecuencia da lugar al resentimiento social y después a la violencia e inseguridad. ¿No deberían estar más regulados los negocios de este señor y no debería aportar más al país? 

Pero lo verdaderamente insultante es que Carlos Slim no esté solito en esta lista, no señor, son diez más los mexicanos que aparecen acompañándolo en el listado de Forbes: desde el Daniel Servitje de Bimbo hasta Joaquín Guzmán Loera alias el "Chapo" Guzmán. 

Al final del día no tenemos muchas alternativas al comprar lo que sea, pues en México parece ser: que todos los caminos llevan a Slim.

Lee más del tema gracias a:
Animal Político
La Jornada

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pier Head Departure Sat


On Saturday 26 February, will be released in Calbuco City, the classic theatrical PETITION FOR HAND " Russian author Anton Chekhov, under the adaptive management and professional actor and director J. Erinson Quevedo Paredes, who on this occasion, will stage the assembly, with the Cultural Association Walking toward the future of the town of Rio Bueno. With who meets since 2001, its tenth season of theater.

This proposal stage, is funded and supported with funding cultural contest 2011, regional government of Los Ríos. This cultural group for the second consecutive year, the benefit obtained through the application of this type of projects.

The winning project, the town considered presentations Calbuco, Rio Bueno, and two high schools in that city.

The director told us: _ sustained and regular work done on this group of people riobueninas since May 2001 has enabled us to stage a total of ten works of different genres and topics. Initially started as a training workshop under the aegis of the Municipality of Rio Bueno, who the mayor at the time, asked my professional services to train and lead a group of senior citizens, today, after 10 years, continue with the flame of the theater, becoming a cultural grouping with legal personality open to all persons over 18 years.

This new challenge now classical theater, stems from the international tribute is rendered to the Russian author, for his great contribution to the theater of all time. And that's why we joined this tribute from the world of the tables.

The premiere will be held at 20:00 am in the school hall of Eulogio Goycolea Garay Calbuco commune and entry is completely free for all spectators. And then on 31 March at the municipal hall of Rio Bueno, at the same time of 20:00.


For this occasion, the director has made some adjustments required "allowed" this game Chekhov theater. Since for reasons of force majeure (illness) were not necessary to have men and therefore has had to reverse the genders: a mother and father as well, a housekeeper who complements this comedy of the time of the tsars of ancient Russia. What makes a unique appeal for the release.


"PETITION FOR HAND" is one of his first comic plays where Lomov going to ask the hand of Natalia, after living a lifetime as neighbors. This fact well known by all who have asked for courtship, engagement or marriage, becomes the "toy comic" that proposes Chekhov, with absurd situations, poignant and poetic that despite the years, is still repeating. It is not easy to ask the hand nerves, insecurities, fears of rejection spice this request.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Clip Art Fire Sprinklers

TC-12 Heritage Classic Spanish Theater

The macro-project research
TC-12, Heritage English classical theater. Texts and research tools, already has Web page. In it, plus find information on different members of the team, and each of its members will find digitized texts, bibliographical resources, news ...

not fail to take a look.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sms To Friends Of A New Born Baby

Em dams, institutions, municipalities, community organizations and individuals ...
Vocational Workshops 2011 ... "dramatic interpretation", "Introduction to Playwriting," "Stage Production", "Children's Theater," "Human Statues," "Giant Puppets and Marionettes" and others.
Home class, month of April.
Information: lagrietateatroitinerante @ gmail . C om

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gay Cruising Spots In Orlando

Sustainable Development of Consciousness

"No problem can be solved from the same level
of consciousness in which it was created" - Albert Einstein

Hac and a couple of years Mexico was published in the book "Developing a Sustainable Consciousness" written by Canadian Eva Kras.

Eva has studied for years the transcultural and its relationship to the way we do business, managing companies and recently, his relationship with this arduous path of the pursuit of sustainability. His research has been conducted in Mexico, South America and Europe so as reflected in the pages of his book is more a portrait of our society than their homeland.

The cornerstone of the theory of Eva Kras on how to achieve real sustainable development is to be achieved first awareness (individual and collective) for this sustainable and no salt or sugar, in fact, there is only one way: to change our values.

Like those comic Condorito here comes the "Plop!": "Changing our values?! And how is that done? ...

Kras says there is an emerging set of values \u200b\u200bthat we have to put your eye (and then the bullet) since the end of the day we will achieve sustainability values, these values There are three types:
  1. partners ourselves as love and respect of their own (self), self-discipline, honesty, trust, humility, nonviolence and of course the ability to have and pursuing a purpose in this life.
  2. partners to social groups and is family, work, school, society, others are not more than the extension of the values \u200b\u200band add participation, solidarity and dialogue.
  3. Those to do with the Earth and the cosmos that without doubt the most innovative and complex but should result in addition of the two previous levels y que tienen que ver con una forma de vida mesurada y equilibrada.

Los valores, de acuerdo a muchos estudiosos del tema, se adquieren en los seis u ocho primeros años de vida. Esto hace que los esfuerzos por dar una "educación en valores" cobre sentido y más si se enfoca a los valores antes mencionados y si se hace con congruencia. Es decir, si el gobierno produce comerciales para televisión sobre la honestidad, pues debe predicar con el ejemplo; si los empresarios deciden fomentar la lectura como parte de una estrategia de educación en valores, ¿es correcto que la campaña se haga a través de la televisión?, si los padres enseñamos a los hijos que la disciplina es vital, entonces tenemos que ser unos soldaditos.

Suponiendo que se diseñan verdaderas y congruentes estrategias de educación en valores en la casa, escuela y comunidad; entonces podríamos resolver el tema de las futuras generaciones pero ¿cómo sobrevivimos a lo valores de los millones de mexicanos que ya dejaron la educación primaria y que somos los que hoy decidimos, compramos, gobernamos, trabajamos, pagamos....?

Ya es tarde para inculcar valores que sean los forjadores de nuestra filosofía de vida pero no es tarde para cambiar el saco que siempre cubre a estos values: attitudes. And so we must reorient environmental education, environmental education should not be bogged down in teaching to save water or to separate trash and must earnestly seek, with the science of hand, teach values \u200b\u200band change attitudes, should seek to develop sustainable consciousness .

And Women's Day here I leave this information out of the mind and pen of a great woman from his trench is making a real change of paradigm: Bravo Eva Kras !

About the Book of Eve:
Published in 2009 by Publishers enticement. It is available in major bookstores or online.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Meaning Of Sgcc Steel

The ugly relationship of action: construction - destruction

For "Sunday" in a state of consciousness (sustainable) I leave this great song by Café Tacuba: "Tropic of Cancer"

"... And or think that now is the time to make room to areas without cement "

As you go Savior of the company,  
si  todavía  hay mucho verdor.  

Si el progreso es nuestro oficio  

y aun queda por  ahí  mucho indio  

que no sabe lo que es vivir  
en una ciudad, como la gente.
not you see that you are a bridge
between salvajisimo and modernism,
engineer, savior humanity.
This very well what you think but
why do not you remember that our
is a civilization advanced,
como dice la gente.  
Que no ves que nuestra mente  
no debe tomar en cuenta a ecologistas indigenistas,  
retrogradistas ni humanistas.  
Ay mis Ingenieros Civiles y Asociados,  
no crean que no me duele irme de su lado,  
pero es que yo pienso it is time
giving rise to spaces without cement.
So I'm going I do not want anything to do

with that ugly relationship of action,
Oh my colleagues  Petroleros Mexicanos  

no crean que no extraño  
el olor a óleo puro  
pero es que yo pienso  
que nosotros los humanos,  
no necesitamos mas hidrocarburos.