"No problem can be solved from the same level
of consciousness in which it was created" - Albert Einstein
Hac and a couple of years Mexico was published in the book "Developing a Sustainable Consciousness" written by Canadian Eva Kras.
Eva has studied for years the transcultural and its relationship to the way we do business, managing companies and recently, his relationship with this arduous path of the pursuit of sustainability. His research has been conducted in Mexico, South America and Europe so as reflected in the pages of his book is more a portrait of our society than their homeland.
The cornerstone of the theory of Eva Kras on how to achieve real sustainable development is to be achieved first awareness (individual and collective) for this sustainable and no salt or sugar, in fact, there is only one way: to change our values.
Like those comic Condorito here comes the "Plop!": "Changing our values?! And how is that done? ...
Kras says there is an emerging set of values \u200b\u200bthat we have to put your eye (and then the bullet) since the end of the day we will achieve sustainability values, these values There are three types:
- partners ourselves as love and respect of their own (self), self-discipline, honesty, trust, humility, nonviolence and of course the ability to have and pursuing a purpose in this life.
- partners to social groups and is family, work, school, society, others are not more than the extension of the values \u200b\u200band add participation, solidarity and dialogue.
- Those to do with the Earth and the cosmos that without doubt the most innovative and complex but should result in addition of the two previous levels y que tienen que ver con una forma de vida mesurada y equilibrada.
Los valores, de acuerdo a muchos estudiosos del tema, se adquieren en los seis u ocho primeros años de vida. Esto hace que los esfuerzos por dar una "educación en valores" cobre sentido y más si se enfoca a los valores antes mencionados y si se hace con congruencia. Es decir, si el gobierno produce comerciales para televisión sobre la honestidad, pues debe predicar con el ejemplo; si los empresarios deciden fomentar la lectura como parte de una estrategia de educación en valores, ¿es correcto que la campaña se haga a través de la televisión?, si los padres enseñamos a los hijos que la disciplina es vital, entonces tenemos que ser unos soldaditos.
Suponiendo que se diseñan verdaderas y congruentes estrategias de educación en valores en la casa, escuela y comunidad; entonces podríamos resolver el tema de las futuras generaciones pero ¿cómo sobrevivimos a lo valores de los millones de mexicanos que ya dejaron la educación primaria y que somos los que hoy decidimos, compramos, gobernamos, trabajamos, pagamos....?
Ya es tarde para inculcar valores que sean los forjadores de nuestra filosofía de vida pero no es tarde para cambiar el saco que siempre cubre a estos values: attitudes. And so we must reorient environmental education, environmental education should not be bogged down in teaching to save water or to separate trash and must earnestly seek, with the science of hand, teach values \u200b\u200band change attitudes, should seek to develop sustainable consciousness .
And Women's Day here I leave this information out of the mind and pen of a great woman from his trench is making a real change of paradigm: Bravo Eva Kras !
About the Book of Eve:
Published in 2009 by Publishers enticement. It is available in major bookstores or online.
About the Book of Eve:
Published in 2009 by Publishers enticement. It is available in major bookstores or online.
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